This shirt is for those who are willing to take a bold stand and say #IWontStaySilent about the real struggle Christian men are having with pornography. Pornography has been a silent killer in our church for the last two decades among millions of Christian men, including pastors, who may become addicted, lose their job or even their marriage. But there is hope for those who want to be free from the bondage of this sexual sin! The Bible says that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). We cannot afford to remain silent about the struggle, but instead expose it and allow God to break the chains of pornography destroying it's guilt and shame and replacing it with the freedom and true joy found in Jesus Christ! Here's how you can help!

Every t-shirt sold in this campaign will not only give you an opportunity to break the silence about the damage of pornography in the church, but will also go directly to supporting originations that are providing hands on help to men who are in recovery from pornography. 10 % of the proceeds from every shirt sold will go to XXX Church and Route 1520. XXX Church is a non-profit organization that has been offering free pornography addiction help to those who need it for the last 14 years through several different online resources and tools. Route1520 is Christ-centered recovery movement dedicated to showing the way home for those impacted by sex and pornography addiction. Together, we can break the silence on the damage of pornography and see millions of Christian men walk in the truth and change that freedom in Christ brings through the God's original design for sex!